Stitching Gallery
This is YOUR page! Send in pictures of your finished Michael Powell designs as JPEGs to
and I will display some of them here. Sorry, I get sent far too many to put them all up! Please let me have your first name and your country to add to the pictures. I am especially hoping to see some innovative finishing and framing.
Mini Venice from Natalia in Ukraine.
Nevena from Bulgaria has sent this picture of her Greek Window. This is one of my favourite designs. I say that about them all though!
Yulia from Ireland stitched Palazzo and finished it in just four months. Well done!

And now look what Yulia has done with Tuscan Gardens. Isn't it fabulous! I think I will have to do this myself.
Trevor from Andover sent in this lovely picture of his finished Venice Palace alongside the original artwork.

Megan's daughter got married in a windmill in Norfolk so this was a really appropriate gift to stitch.

Megan also stitched this one when her son was married.
Edith sent in this misty hill town. Thanks Edith!

This is something different! Rosa has used several of our free designs to decorate a nursery bag.
Julia in Moscow has made the Flowers cushion.
Olga in Russia has sent in this picture of Greek Village. I love the frame and mount Olga, it sets the picture off really well.
Iren in Ukraine has sent this one. I love Secret Gardens!
Thank you Jeanne from Riga for sending us this one.
Jennifer has sent us her picture of Greek Island. Now she is working on Secret Garden 1. Send us a pic when you finish Jennifer.
This is Lena's first Michael Powell design. I love the bright colours that she has chosen for the framing. This is a real taste of summer.
Carmen in Seville has sent us her Tuscan gardens all stitched as one piece. I love it!